* @module Player
* I am the type definition of an Hypervideo (as an item in the overview mode or in project manager).
* __Do not confuse me__ with the data model of the current hypervideo stored
* in {{#crossLink "HypervideoModel"}}HypervideoModel{{/crossLink}}!
* @class Hypervideo
* @category TypeDefinition
this.data = data;
* I render a thumb for the hypervideo data in my this.data attribute.
* The jquery-enabled HTMLElement which I return contains all necessary meta information needed by
* e.g. the {{#crossLink "ViewOverview"}}ViewOverview{{/crossLink}}.
* @method renderThumb
* @return HTMLElement
renderThumb: function() {
var hypervideoID = FrameTrail.module('Database').getIdOfHypervideo(this.data),
href = '?project='
+ FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').projectID
+ '&hypervideo='
+ hypervideoID,
thumbBackground = (this.data.thumb ?
'background-image: url('+ FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').getResourceURL(this.data.thumb) +');' : '' );
thumbElement = $('<div class="hypervideoThumb" data-hypervideoID="'+ hypervideoID +'" data-name="'+ this.data.name +'" style="'+ thumbBackground +'">'
+ ' <div class="hypervideoThumbContent">'
+ ' <a href="'+ href +'" class="hypervideoIcon"></a>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' <div class="hypervideoTitle">'+ this.data.name +'</div>'
+ '</div>');
return thumbElement;