 * @module Player

 * I am the HypervideoController.
 * I am the central controller module of the application. I control the interactions between the UI elements of the hypervideo and its data model.
 * My two most important jobs are:
 *   * I init the video element, all its UI controls, and my sub-controllers (for annotations, overlays, videolinks)
 *   * I control the playback und the update handlers to show time-based contents
 * @class HypervideoController
 * @static

FrameTrail.defineModule('HypervideoController', function(){

    var HypervideoModel        = FrameTrail.module('HypervideoModel'),
        ViewVideo                = FrameTrail.module('ViewVideo'),

        AnnotationsController  = FrameTrail.initModule('AnnotationsController'),
        OverlaysController     = FrameTrail.initModule('OverlaysController'),
        VideolinksController   = FrameTrail.initModule('VideolinksController'),
        SubtitlesController    = FrameTrail.initModule('SubtitlesController'),

        InteractionController  = FrameTrail.initModule('InteractionController'),

        isPlaying              = false,
        currentTime            = 0,
        muted                    = false,
        nullVideoStartDate     = 0,
        highPriorityInterval   = 40,
        lowPriorityInterval    = 180,
        nullVideoInterval      = 40,
        highPriorityIntervalID = null,
        lowPriorityIntervalID  = null,
        nullVideoIntervalID    = null,

        highPriorityUpdater    = null,
        lowPriorityUpdater     = null,

        videoElement           = ViewVideo.Video;

     * I initialize the Controller.
     * I check, wether there are playable video source files, and append the right <source> nodes to the video element.
     * Otherwise I prepare the "Null Player", meaning a simulated playback machine, which serves as a timer for update functions.
     * After the video has sufficiently loaded (or the "Null Player" is ready), I initalize the UI control (play button and progress bar).
     * @method initController
     * @param {Function} callback
     * @param {Function} failCallback
     * @param {Boolean} update
    function initController(callback, failCallback, update) {

        var RouteNavigation = FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation'),
            projectID         = RouteNavigation.projectID,
            hypervideoID    = RouteNavigation.hypervideoID,
            _video            = $(videoElement);



        if (HypervideoModel.hasHTML5Video) {

            highPriorityUpdater = highPriorityUpdater_HTML5;
            lowPriorityUpdater  = lowPriorityUpdater_HTML5;

            FrameTrail.changeState('videoWorking', true);

            _video.append('<source src="../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/resources/' + HypervideoModel.sourceFiles.mp4  +'" type="video/mp4"></source>');
            _video.append('<source src="../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/resources/' + HypervideoModel.sourceFiles.webm +'" type="video/webm"></source>');

            _video.on('play',  _play);
            _video.on('pause', _pause);

            _video.on('seeking', function() {
                FrameTrail.changeState('videoWorking', true);

            _video.on('waiting', function() {
                FrameTrail.changeState('videoWorking', true);

            _video.on('canplaythrough', function() {
                FrameTrail.changeState('videoWorking', false);

            _video.on('seeked', function() {
                FrameTrail.changeState('videoWorking', false);

            _video.attr('preload', 'auto');


                    HypervideoModel.duration = videoElement.duration;

                    if (update) {
                    } else {



                    if (RouteNavigation.hashTime) {



        } else {

            highPriorityUpdater = highPriorityUpdater_NullVideo;
            lowPriorityUpdater  = lowPriorityUpdater_NullVideo;

            if (update) {
            } else {



            if (RouteNavigation.hashTime) {



        FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').onHashTimeChange = function() {


     * I delay the execution of callback until enough data from the video source file has loaded.
     * readyState == 0 means, that metadata is loaded. This is needed to know the __duration__ of the video.
     * @method initVideo
     * @param {Function} callback
     * @param {Function} failCallback
     * @private 
    function initVideo(callback, failCallback) {

        var waitingInterval = 500,     // milliseconds
            counter            = 50;     // 25 seconds waiting time

        function checkReadyState() {

            if (videoElement.readyState > 0){


            } else {

                if (--counter) {

                    window.setTimeout(checkReadyState, waitingInterval);

                } else {

                            'VideoPlayer: Received no data within the time limit of '
                        +     Math.round(waitingInterval * 50 / 1000) 
                        +    ' seconds.'




     * I init the UI of the play button and connect it with the play/pause functions.
     * @method initPlayButton
     * @private 
    function initPlayButton(){{

            if (isPlaying) {
            } else {



     * I initialize the UI elements of the progress bar.
     * This depends on the duration of the video already being known.
     * I make the DOM element a jQuery UI Slider, and attach its event listeners.
     * @method initProgressBar
     * @private 
    function initProgressBar() {

        ViewVideo.duration = formatTime(HypervideoModel.duration);

            value: 0,
            step: 0.01,
            orientation: "horizontal",
            range: "min",
            max: HypervideoModel.duration,
            animate: false,                    

            create: function(evt, ui) {

                        var circle      = $('<div class="ui-slider-handle-circle"></div>'),
                            innerCircle = $('<div class="ui-slider-handle-circle-inner"></div>'),
                            _evtTarget  = $(;



            slide:  function(evt, ui) {


            start:     function(evt, ui) {

            stop:     function(evt, ui) {


     * I update the descriptions of the hypervideo and of the current project, which is shown in the UI in the {{#crossLink "Sidebar"}}Sidebar{{/crossLink}}
     * @method updateDescriptions
    function updateDescriptions() {

        var created = new Date(HypervideoModel.created).toLocaleString('de-DE', {
                    year: 'numeric',
                    month: '2-digit',
                    day: '2-digit',
                    hour: '2-digit',
                    minute: '2-digit'
                }).replace(/\./g, '.'),

            changed = new Date(HypervideoModel.lastchanged).toLocaleString('de-DE', {
                    year: 'numeric',
                    month: '2-digit',
                    day: '2-digit',
                    hour: '2-digit',
                    minute: '2-digit'
                }).replace(/\./g, '.');

        FrameTrail.module('Sidebar').ProjectDescription = FrameTrail.module('Database').project.description;

        FrameTrail.module('Sidebar').VideoDescription   = (    '<div>' + HypervideoModel.description + '</div>'
                                                      +    '<div class="descriptionLabel">Author</div>'
                                                      +    '<div>' + HypervideoModel.creator + '</div>'
                                                      + '<div class="descriptionDates">'
                                                      +    '    <div class="descriptionLabel">Created</div>'
                                                      +    '    <div>' + created + '</div>'
                                                      +    '    <div class="descriptionLabel">Last changed</div>'
                                                      +    '    <div>' + changed + '</div>'
                                                      + '</div>'



     * I am the high priority update function, when there is a HTML5 video element present.
     * I am called from the browser runtime environment via its window.setInterval mechanism. The interval is defined in the 
     * {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_play:method"}}_play method{{/crossLink}}, and the interval length is set to 40 milliseconds.
     * I fetch the currentTime attribute from the video element and store it in {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/currentTime:attribute"}}.
     * I update the slider position of the progress bar.
     * @method highPriorityUpdater_HTML5
     * @private 
    function highPriorityUpdater_HTML5() {

        currentTime = videoElement.currentTime;

        ViewVideo.PlayerProgress.slider('value', currentTime);


     * I am the low priority update function, when there is a HTML5 video element present.
     * I am called from the browser runtime environment via its window.setInterval mechanism. The interval is defined in the
     * {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_play:method"}}_play method{{/crossLink}}, and the interval length is set to 180 milliseconds.
     * I perform the following tasks:
     * * Display the currentTime in the UI (numeric display in progress bar)
     * * Call all sub-controllers ({{#crossLink "OverlaysController"}}OverlaysController{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "VideosController"}}VideosController{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "AnnotationsController"}}AnnotationsController{{/crossLink}}), to update the state for which they are responsible for.
     * @method lowPriorityUpdater_HTML5
     * @private 
    function lowPriorityUpdater_HTML5() {

        ViewVideo.currentTime = formatTime(currentTime);


     * I am the high priority update function, when there is no HTML5 video element ("Null Player").
     * I am called from the browser runtime environment via its window.setInterval mechanism. The interval is defined in the 
     * {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_play:method"}}_play method{{/crossLink}}, and the interval length is set to 40 milliseconds.
     * I update the slider position of the progress bar.
     * @method highPriorityUpdater_NullVideo
     * @private 
    function highPriorityUpdater_NullVideo() {

        ViewVideo.PlayerProgress.slider('value', currentTime);


     * I am the low priority update function, when there is no HTML5 video element ("Null Player").
     * I am called from the browser runtime environment via its window.setInterval mechanism. The interval is defined in the
     * {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_play:method"}}_play method{{/crossLink}}, and the interval length is set to 180 milliseconds.
     * I perform the following tasks:
     * * Display the currentTime in the UI (numeric display in progress bar)
     * * Call all sub-controllers ({{#crossLink "OverlaysController"}}OverlaysController{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "VideosController"}}VideosController{{/crossLink}}, {{#crossLink "AnnotationsController"}}AnnotationsController{{/crossLink}}), to update the state for which they are responsible for.
     * @method lowPriorityUpdater_NullVideo
     * @private 
    function lowPriorityUpdater_NullVideo() {

        ViewVideo.currentTime = formatTime(currentTime);


     * I am the update function of the "Null Player", which sets the {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/currentTime:attribute"}}.
     * When the currentTime reaches the duration of the null video, I stop playback.
     * @method nullVideoUpdater
     * @private 
    function nullVideoUpdater() {

        currentTime = ( - nullVideoStartDate) / 1000;
        if (currentTime >= HypervideoModel.duration) {
            currentTime = HypervideoModel.duration;


     * I am the function, which starts the playback of the hypervideo.
     * When there is a HTML5 video present, i simply call its .play() method,
     * which in turn triggers the "play" event of the &lt;video&gt; element;
     * The {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_play:method"}}_play(){{/crossLink}} method is set as event handler for this event.
     * When there is no HTML5 video ("Null player"), then I do two things:
     * * I check if the currentTime reached the end of the "null video", and reset it to 0 if necessary.
     * * I store the computer's current system clock time in the module var nullVideoStartDate (from this number the {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/nullVideoUpdater:method"}}nullVideoUpdater(){{/crossLink}}) can calculate the new currentTime.
     * @method play
    function play() {

        if (HypervideoModel.hasHTML5Video) {


        } else {

            if (!isPlaying){

                if (currentTime === HypervideoModel.duration) {
                    currentTime = 0;

                nullVideoStartDate = - (currentTime * 1000)



     * I pause the playback of the hypervideo.
     * When there is a HTML5 video present, i call its .pause() method,
     * which in turn triggers the "pause" event of the &lt;video&gt; element;
     * The {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_pause:method"}}_pause(){{/crossLink}} method is set as event handler for the pause event.
     * When there is no HTML5 video ("null player") I directly call the {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_pause:method"}}_pause(){{/crossLink}} method.
     * @method pause
    function pause() {

        if (HypervideoModel.hasHTML5Video) {


        } else {




     * After playback has started, we need to do several things: 
     * * Register interval functions (highPriorityUpdater and highPriorityInterval; if necessary: nullVideoUpdater)
     * * Change play button into a pause button
     * * Tell the {{#crossLink "OverlaysController/syncMedia:method"}}OverlaysController to synchronize media{{/crossLink}}.
     * @method _play
     * @private
    function _play() {

        highPriorityIntervalID = window.setInterval(highPriorityUpdater, highPriorityInterval);
        lowPriorityIntervalID  = window.setInterval(lowPriorityUpdater,  lowPriorityInterval);

        if (!HypervideoModel.hasHTML5Video) {
            nullVideoIntervalID = window.setInterval(nullVideoUpdater,  nullVideoInterval);


        isPlaying = true;



     * After playback has paused, we need to do several things: 
     * * Clear the interval functions (highPriorityUpdater and highPriorityInterval; if necessary: nullVideoUpdater)
     * * Change pause button back into play button
     * * Tell the {{#crossLink "OverlaysController/syncMedia:method"}}OverlaysController to synchronize media{{/crossLink}}
     * @method _pause
     * @private
    function _pause() {


        if (!HypervideoModel.hasHTML5Video) {


        isPlaying = false;



     * The HypervideoController stores the {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/currentTime:attribute"}}currentTime{{/crossLink}}.
     * When this property is being set, several things have to happen:
     * * The currentTime of the &lt;video&gt; element has to be updated...
     * * or – when there is no video source file – the nullVideoStartDate has to be updated
     * * The update functions have to be called (highPriorityUpdater and lowPriorityUpdater)
     * * The OverlaysController has to {{#crossLink "OverlaysController/syncMedia:method"}}synchronize media{{/crossLink}}
     * @method setCurrentTime
     * @param {Number} aNumber
     * @return Number
     * @private
    function setCurrentTime(aNumber) {

        if (HypervideoModel.hasHTML5Video) {

            videoElement.currentTime = currentTime = aNumber;
        } else {

            currentTime = aNumber;
            nullVideoStartDate = - (currentTime * 1000)




        return aNumber;


     * The HypervideoController stores the {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/muted:attribute"}}muted{{/crossLink}}.
     * When this property is being set, the muted attribute of the &lt;video&gt; element has to be updated
     * (only when there is a video source file)
     * @method setMuted
     * @param {Boolean} muted
     * @return muted
     * @private
    function setMuted(muted) {
        if (HypervideoModel.hasHTML5Video) {

            videoElement.muted = muted;




     * I take a number, which represents a time in seconds,
     * and return a formatted string like HH:MM:SS
     * @method formatTime
     * @param {Number} aNumber
     * @return String
    function formatTime(aNumber) {

        var hours, minutes, seconds, hourValue;

        seconds     = Math.ceil(aNumber);
        hours         = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60));
        hours         = (hours >= 10) ? hours : '0' + hours;
        minutes     = Math.floor(seconds % (60*60) / 60);
        minutes     = (minutes >= 10) ? minutes : '0' + minutes;
        seconds     = Math.ceil(seconds % (60*60) % 60);
        seconds     = (seconds >= 10) ? seconds : '0' + seconds;

        if (hours >= 1) {
            hourValue = hours + ':';
        } else {
            hourValue = '';

        return hourValue + minutes + ':' + seconds;


     * Cancel all currently running intervals
     * @method clearIntervals
     * @private
    function clearIntervals() {

        if (!HypervideoModel.hasHTML5Video) {


    return {

        initController: initController,

        play: play,
        pause: pause,

        updateDescriptions: updateDescriptions,
        clearIntervals:     clearIntervals,

         * This read-only attribute tells if the hypervideo is playing or not.
         * It is set by {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_play:method"}}_play(){{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/_pause:method"}}_pause(){{/crossLink}}
         * @attribute isPlaying
         * @readOnly
        get isPlaying()          { return isPlaying               },

         * This attributes stores the currentTime of the hypervideo.
         * When this attribute is being read, it returns the value, which was automatically updated by {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/highPriorityUpdater_HTML5:method"}}highPriorityUpdater_HTML5(){{/crossLink}} or respectively {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/nullVideoUpdater:method"}}nullVideoUpdater(){{/crossLink}}.
         * When the attribute is being set, like this:
         *     FrameTrail.module('HypervideoController').currentTime = 3
         * then the {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/setCurrentTime:method"}}setCurrentTime(){{/crossLink}} is called.
         * @attribute currentTime
        get currentTime()        { return currentTime             },
        set currentTime(aNumber) { return setCurrentTime(aNumber) },

         * These attributes store the muted state of the hypervideo.
         * The muted state is set like this:
         *     FrameTrail.module('HypervideoController').muted = true
         * then the {{#crossLink "HypervideoController/setMuted:method"}}setMuted(){{/crossLink}} is called.
         * @attribute muted
        get muted()              { return muted                    },
        set muted(aBoolean)      { return setMuted(aBoolean)        }

