* @module Shared
* I am the type definition of a ResourceImage. I represent a resource file of an image.
* @class ResourceImage
* @category TypeDefinition
* @extends Resource
this.resourceData = resourceData;
* I hold the data object of a ResourceImage, which is stored in the {{#crossLink "Database"}}Database{{/crossLink}} and saved in the resource's _index.json.
* @attribute resourceData
* @type {}
resourceData: {},
* I render the content of myself, which is a <img> wrapped in a <div class="resourceDetail" ...>
* @method renderContent
* @return HTMLElement
renderContent: function() {
var resourceElement = $(
'<div class="resourceDetail" data-type="'+ this.resourceData.type +'">'
+ '<img src="'+ FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').getResourceURL(this.resourceData.src) +'" title="'
+ this.resourceData.name
+ '">'
+ '</div>'
wheelSpeed: 4,
suppressScrollX: true
return resourceElement;
* Several modules need me to render a thumb of myself.
* These thumbs have a special structure of HTMLElements, where several data-attributes carry the information needed by e.g. the {{#crossLink "ResourceManager"}}ResourceManager{{/crossLink}}.
* The id parameter is optional. If it is not passed, the Database tries to find the resource object in its storage.
* @method renderThumb
* @param {} id
* @return thumbElement
renderThumb: function(id) {
var trueID,
self = this;
if (!id) {
trueID = FrameTrail.module('Database').getIdOfResource(this.resourceData);
} else {
trueID = id;
var thumbUrl = (this.resourceData.thumb ? FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').getResourceURL(this.resourceData.thumb)
: FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').getResourceURL(this.resourceData.src) );
var thumbElement = $('<div class="resourceThumb" data-resourceID="'+ trueID +'" data-type="'+ this.resourceData.type +'" style="background-image:url('+ thumbUrl +');">'
+ ' <div class="resourceOverlay">'
+ ' <div class="resourceIcon"></div>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' <div class="resourceTitle">'+ this.resourceData.name +'</div>'
+ ' </div>');
var previewButton = $('<div class="resourcePreviewButton"></div>').click(function(evt) {
// call the openPreview method (defined in abstract type: Resource)
self.openPreview( $(this).parent() );
return thumbElement;
* See {{#crossLink "Resource/renderBasicPropertiesControls:method"}}Resource/renderBasicPropertiesControls(){{/crossLink}}
* @method renderPropertiesControls
* @param {Overlay} overlay
* @return { controlsContainer: HTMLElement, changeStart: Function, changeEnd: Function, changeDimensions: Function }
renderPropertiesControls: function(overlay) {
return this.renderBasicPropertiesControls(overlay);