* @module Shared
* I am the Database.
* I store all data coming from the server. The data model objects (like {{#crossLink "HypervideoModel"}}HypervideoModel{{/crossLink}})
* get their data from me. When they are done with manipulating the data, I can store the data back to the server.
* Note: All data objects inside me must be passed by reference, so that data can be manipulated in place, and insertions and deletions
* should alter immediatly the database. In this way, data is kept consistent across the app
* (see {{#crossLink "Annotation/FrameTrail.newObject:method"}}FrameTrail.newObject('Annotation', data){{/crossLink}}).
* @class Database
* @static
FrameTrail.defineModule('Database', function(){
var projectID = FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').projectID || '',
hypervideoID = '',
project = {},
hypervideos = {},
hypervideo = {},
sequence = {},
overlays = [],
links = [],
resources = {},
annotations = {},
annotationfileIDs = {},
subtitles = {},
subtitlesLangMapping = {
'en': 'English',
'de': 'Deutsch',
'fr': 'Français'
users = {};
* I load the project index data (../_data/projects/_index.json) from the server
* and save the data for my projectID (from {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}})
* in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/project:attribute"}}Database/project{{/crossLink}}.
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadProjectData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
* @private
function loadProjectData(success, fail) {
type: "GET",
url: '../_data/projects/_index.json',
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json"
project = data.projects[projectID];
return fail('This project does not exist.');
fail('No project index file.');
* I load the resource index data (../_data/projects/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}} /resources/_index.json) from the server
* and save the data in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/resources:attribute"}}Database/resources{{/crossLink}}.
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadResourceData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
function loadResourceData(success, fail) {
type: "GET",
url: ('../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/resources/_index.json'),
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json"
resources = data.resources;
fail('No resources index file.');
* I load the user.json of the current project from the server
* and save the data in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/users:attribute"}}Database/users{{/crossLink}}.
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadUserData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
function loadUserData(success, fail) {
if (!FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').environment.server) {
type: "GET",
url: ('../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/users.json'),
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json"
users = data.user;
fail('No user index file.');
} else {
type: "POST",
url: ('../_server/ajaxServer.php'),
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json",
data: {
a: 'userGet',
projectID: projectID
users = data.response.user;
fail('No user index file.');
* I load the hypervideo index data (../_data/projects/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}} /hypervideos/_index.json) from the server
* and save the data in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/hypervideos:attribute"}}Database/hypervideos{{/crossLink}}.
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadHypervideoData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
* @private
function loadHypervideoData(success, fail) {
type: "GET",
url: ('../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/hypervideos/_index.json'),
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json"
hypervideos = data.hypervideos;
fail('No hypervideo index file.');
* I load the hypervideo sequence data (../_data/projects/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}}
* /hypervideos/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/hypervideoID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/hypervideoID{{/crossLink}} /hypervideo.json) from the server
* and save the data in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/hypervideo:attribute"}}Database/hypervideos{{/crossLink}}.
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadSequenceData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
* @private
function loadSequenceData(success, fail) {
type: "GET",
url: ('../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/hypervideos/' + hypervideoID + '/hypervideo.json'),
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json"
sequence = data;
}).fail(function() {
fail('No hypervideo data.');
* I load the overlay data (../_data/projects/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}}
* /hypervideos/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/hypervideoID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/hypervideoID{{/crossLink}} /hypervideo.json) from the server
* and save the data in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/overlays:attribute"}}Database/overlays{{/crossLink}}.
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadOverlayData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
* @private
function loadOverlayData(success, fail) {
type: "GET",
url: ('../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/hypervideos/' + hypervideoID + '/overlays.json'),
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json"
overlays = data;
}).fail(function() {
fail('No Overlay data.');
* I load the video link data (../_data/projects/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}}
* /hypervideos/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/hypervideoID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/hypervideoID{{/crossLink}} /hypervideo.json) from the server
* and save the data in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/links:attribute"}}Database/links{{/crossLink}}.
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadLinksData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
* @private
function loadLinksData(success, fail) {
type: "GET",
url: ('../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/hypervideos/' + hypervideoID + '/links.json'),
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json"
links = data;
}).fail(function() {
fail('No Links data.');
* I load the annotation data (../_data/projects/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}}
* /hypervideos/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/hypervideoID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/hypervideoID{{/crossLink}} /hypervideo.json) from the server
* and save the data in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/annotations:attribute"}}Database/annotations{{/crossLink}},
* and the respective annotationfileIDs in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/annotationfileIDs:attribute"}}Database/annotationfileIDs{{/crossLink}},
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadAnnotationData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
* @private
function loadAnnotationData(success, fail) {
var annotationsCount = 0;
// clear previous data
annotationfileIDs = {};
annotations = {};
for (var id in hypervideo.annotationfiles) {
annotationsCount ++;
for (var id in hypervideo.annotationfiles) {
type: "GET",
url: ('../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/hypervideos/' + hypervideoID + '/annotationfiles/' + id + '.json'),
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
mimeType: "application/json"
annotations[hypervideo.annotationfiles[id].ownerId] = data;
annotationfileIDs[hypervideo.annotationfiles[id].ownerId] = id;
if(annotationsCount === 0){
// all annotation data loaded from server
}).fail(function() {
fail('Missing annotation file.');
}).call(this, id)
* I load the subtitles data (../_data/projects/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}}
* /hypervideos/ {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/hypervideoID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/hypervideoID{{/crossLink}} /subtitles/...) from the server
* and save the data in my attribute {{#crossLink "Database/subtitles:attribute"}}Database/subtitles{{/crossLink}}
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadSubtitleData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
* @private
function loadSubtitleData(success, fail) {
var subtitleCount = 0;
subtitles = {};
if (hypervideo.subtitles && hypervideo.subtitles.length > 0) {
for (var idx in hypervideo.subtitles) {
subtitleCount ++;
for (var i = 0; i < hypervideo.subtitles.length; i++) {
var currentSubtitles = hypervideo.subtitles[i];
type: "GET",
url: ('../_data/projects/' + projectID + '/hypervideos/' + hypervideoID + '/subtitles/' + currentSubtitles.src),
cache: false
var parsedCues = [];
// parse webvtt contents
var parser = new WebVTT.Parser(window, WebVTT.StringDecoder());
parser.onregion = function(region) {};
parser.oncue = function(cue) {
parser.onparsingerror = function(e) {
var langLabel;
if (subtitlesLangMapping[currentSubtitles.srclang]) {
langLabel = subtitlesLangMapping[currentSubtitles.srclang];
} else {
langLabel = currentSubtitles.srclang;
// write parsed contents in subtitles var
subtitles[currentSubtitles.srclang] = {};
subtitles[currentSubtitles.srclang]['label'] = langLabel;
subtitles[currentSubtitles.srclang]['cues'] = parsedCues;
if(subtitleCount === 0){
// all subtitle data loaded from server
}).fail(function() {
fail('Missing subtitle file.');
}).call(this, i)
} else {
// no subtitles found, continue
* I initialise the load process of the database
* First I look for the {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/projectID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/projectID{{/crossLink}} and
* {{#crossLink "RouteNavigation/hypervideoID:attribute"}}RouteNavigation/hypervideoID{{/crossLink}}.
* Then I call the nested load functions to fetch all data from the server.
* I call my success or fail callback respectively.
* @method loadData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
function loadData(success, fail) {
projectID = FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').projectID;
hypervideoID = FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').hypervideoID;
if(projectID === undefined){
return fail('No Project was selected.');
if(hypervideoID === undefined){
//FrameTrail.module('InterfaceModal').showStatusMessage('No Hypervideo is selected.');
hypervideo = null;
sequence = {};
annotations = {};
overlays = [];
links = [];
return loadProjectData(function(){
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
hypervideo = hypervideos[hypervideoID];
return fail('This hypervideo does not exist.');
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
* I update the hypervideo data inside the database
* @method updateHypervideoData
* @param {Function} success
* @param {Function} fail
function updateHypervideoData(success, fail) {
hypervideoID = FrameTrail.module('RouteNavigation').hypervideoID;
hypervideo = hypervideos[hypervideoID];
return fail('This hypervideo does not exist.');
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
}, fail);
* I save the overlay data back to the server.
* My success callback gets one argument, which is either
* { success: true }
* or
* { failed: 'overlays', error: ... }
* @method saveOverlays
* @param {Function} callback
function saveOverlays(callback) {
type: 'POST',
url: '../_server/ajaxServer.php',
cache: false,
data: {
a: 'hypervideoChangeFile',
projectID: projectID,
hypervideoID: hypervideoID,
type: 'overlays',
src: JSON.stringify(overlays)
}).done(function(data) {
if (data.code === 0) {
callback.call(window, { success: true });
} else {
callback.call(window, {
failed: 'overlays',
error: 'ServerError',
code: data.code
callback.call(window, {
failed: 'overlays',
error: error
* I save the video link data back to the server.
* My success callback gets one argument, which is either
* { success: true }
* or
* { failed: 'links', error: ... }
* @method saveLinks
* @param {} callback
function saveLinks(callback) {
type: 'POST',
url: '../_server/ajaxServer.php',
cache: false,
data: {
a: 'hypervideoChangeFile',
projectID: projectID,
hypervideoID: hypervideoID,
type: 'links',
src: JSON.stringify(links)
}).done(function(data) {
if (data.code === 0) {
callback.call(window, { success: true });
} else {
callback.call(window, {
failed: 'links',
error: 'ServerError',
code: data.code
callback.call(window, {
failed: 'links',
error: error
* I save the annotation data back to the server.
* I choose by myself the appropriate server method ($_POST["action"]: "save" or "saveAs")
* wether the user's annotation file does already exist, or has to be created.
* My success callback gets one argument, which is either
* { success: true }
* or
* { failed: 'annotations', error: ... }
* @method saveAnnotations
* @param {Function} callback
function saveAnnotations(callback) {
var userID = FrameTrail.module('UserManagement').userID,
action = annotationfileIDs.hasOwnProperty(userID)
? 'save'
: 'saveAs',
annotationfileID = annotationfileIDs[userID],
name = FrameTrail.getState('username'),
description = FrameTrail.getState('username') + '\'s annotations',
hidden = false;
type: 'POST',
url: '../_server/ajaxServer.php',
cache: false,
data: {
a: 'annotationfileSave',
projectID: projectID,
hypervideoID: hypervideoID,
action: action,
annotationfileID: annotationfileID,
name: name,
description: description,
hidden: hidden,
src: JSON.stringify(annotations[userID])
}).done(function(data) {
if (data.code === 0) {
if (action === 'saveAs') {
annotationfileIDs[userID] = data.annotationID.toString();
callback.call(window, { success: true });
} else {
callback.call(window, {
failed: 'annotations',
error: 'ServerError',
code: data.code
callback.call(window, {
failed: 'annotations',
error: error
* I search the resource database for a given data object and return its id.
* @method getIdOfResource
* @param {} resourceData
* @return String or null
function getIdOfResource(resourceData) {
for (var id in resources) {
if (resources[id] === resourceData){
return id;
return null;
* I search the hypervideo database for a given data object and return its id.
* @method getIdOfHypervideo
* @param {} data
* @return String or null
function getIdOfHypervideo(data) {
for (var id in hypervideos) {
if (hypervideos[id] === data){
return id;
return null;
return {
* I store the project index data (from the server's ../_data/projects/_index.json)
* @attribute project
get project() { return project },
* I store the hypervideo index data (from the server's ../_data/projects/<ID>/hypervideos/_index.json)
* @attribute hypervideos
get hypervideos() { return hypervideos },
* I store the hypervideo index data for the current hypervideo
* @attribute hypervideo
get hypervideo() { return hypervideo },
//TODO Check if setting hypervideo data on update necessary
set hypervideo(data) { return hypervideo = data },
* I store the hypervideo sequence data (from the server's ../_data/projects/<ID>/hypervideos/<ID>/hypervideo.json)
* @attribute sequence
get sequence() { return sequence },
* I store the overlays data (from the server's ../_data/projects/<ID>/hypervideos/<ID>/overlays.json)
* @attribute overlays
get overlays() { return overlays },
* I store the video links data (from the server's ../_data/projects/<ID>/hypervideos/<ID>/links.json)
* @attribute links
get links() { return links },
* I store the annotation data (from all json files from the server's ../_data/projects/<ID>/hypervideos/<ID>/annotationfiles/).
* I am a map of keys (userIDs) to an array of all annotations from that user.
* {
* "userID": [ annotationData, annotationData, ... ]
* }
* @attribute annotations
get annotations() { return annotations },
* I store the file IDs of the user's annotation sets.
* The server manages file names automatically without influence of the client. That is why the client has to remeber the file ID
* of the several sets of annotations, which belong to a single user.
* {
* "userID": "fileID"
* }
* @attribute annotationfileIDs
get annotationfileIDs() { return annotationfileIDs },
* I store the subtitle data (from all .vtt files from the server's ../_data/projects/<ID>/hypervideos/<ID>/subtitles/).
* @attribute annotations
get subtitles() { return subtitles },
* I store a map of subtitle language codes and labels.
* @attribute subtitlesLangMapping
get subtitlesLangMapping() { return subtitlesLangMapping },
* I store the resource index data (from the server's ../_data/projects/<ID>/resources/_index.json)
* @attribute resources
get resources() { return resources },
* I store the user data (from the projects user.json). The keys are the userIDs, and the values are maps of the user's attributes.
* @attribute users
get users() { return users },
getIdOfResource: getIdOfResource,
getIdOfHypervideo: getIdOfHypervideo,
loadData: loadData,
loadProjectData: loadProjectData,
loadResourceData: loadResourceData,
loadHypervideoData: loadHypervideoData,
updateHypervideoData: updateHypervideoData,
loadSequenceData: loadSequenceData,
loadSubtitleData: loadSubtitleData,
saveOverlays: saveOverlays,
saveLinks: saveLinks,
saveAnnotations: saveAnnotations